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A lot of cockroaches are sitting on a white wooden shelf.The German cockroach (Blattella germanica)_edited.jpg
Cockroaches: Image


What type of cockroach are you having trouble with?

Is it the Gisborne, the German or just our Native Black Cockroach?

This is useful as it can determine which of several methods we would advise to treat them.

The main cockroach we tend to come across is the German cockroach which is the one that carries diseases and often causes food poisoning.

This cockroach is 13-16mm long, light brown, with wings (although it doesn't fly) and the female often has an egg capsule (uthecae). It iss usually found in kitchens.

The native cockroach and the Gisborne cockroach are both wingless. They have lines running across their bodies like slaters (or wood lice).

The Gisborne cockroach is about 20-30mm long and often has a yellowish or clear stripe down either side of its body.

The native black cockroach is about 20mm long.

Cockroaches: Service




(approx. for an average 3br house)

Treatment includes:

  • inside all kitchen cupboards and drawers

  • electrical items such as cake mixers, coffee makers, microwaves and modems

  • laundry and bathroom cupboards, hallway and hot water cupboards and all wardrobes

  • all ceilings, walls, skirtings


Extra costs include:

  • $35 per light fitting or power point you wanted removed for treatment in a wall cavity

  • $25 per item needing gel bait treatment


(approx. for an average 3br house)

As per intensive treatment but only in the kitchen and dining areas


(approx. for an average 3br house)

Treatment of all ceilings, walls and skirtings that are accessible without moving furniture.



Placement of gel bait without needing to empty cupboards or vacate premises.

Cockroaches: Price List
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