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What to expect

  • Flies crawling on the treatment to die for at least 12 weeks after the treatment

  • Hover flies to remain a pest as they rarely land on the treated surfaces

  • Over-spray on windows which may need to cleaned off

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What NOT to expect

  • Flies to stop coming inside. The treatment is not a deterrent. It is a contact insecticide which kills flies that have crawled on the treated surface enough to receive a lethal dose. Only fly screens deter flies from coming inside

  • Flies to die after 12 weeks from treatment

  • Flies to die during a period when temperature and humidity are high, as this weakens the effect of most insecticides. This is not a fault of either the insecticide or the technician. As soon as temperature and humidity return to normal, so should the effect of the insecticide

  • Flies to die where the treatment is applied over fresh paint which weakens insecticide

  • Flies to die where chlorine bleach has been used on the treated surface

  • Flies to die where the treated area is cleaned after treatment

  • Flies to die in areas where steam is created e.g. bathrooms and kitchens

Flies to die that do not come in contact with the insecticide, which is often the case with the small common house fly (also called the hover fly).

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Close-up of pest control worker hand holding sprayer for spraying pesticides. Selective focus on spr

Pre & post treatment

Place all food and cooking utensils inside cupboards or cover them to avoid over-spray.

Place toothbrushes inside cupboards and cover pillow cases and any items you do not want treated.

Ensure goldfish are covered and that pets and people are outside until safe to return.

Ventilate the house before re-entering and do not re-enter for at least 4 hours after treatment.

Wash down food benches and dining tables after treatment and before use.

Fit fly screens in areas where hover flies are a problem and where livestock are near.

Destroy breeding sites: Turn compost heaps regularly and keep lawns mowed.

Keep tight lids on rubbish bins and regularly remove rubbish from the property.

Fresh meat should be refrigerated. Don’t leave it on the bench, especially in summer.

Wrap and dispose of fish and meat scraps promptly.

Wash dogs regularly and dispose of animal wastes from near the property.

Keep livestock as far from the house as possible.

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